Ding Dong Ditch:Day 4 of A-Z Challenge

Ginger, Ginger broke a winder

Hit the winda – crack!

The baker came out to give ‘im a clout

And landed on his back.


The above lines are taken from famous British poem. This game is also known as Knock, knock, ginger or knock down ginger.

And today my story is about one such day when we played Ding Dong Ditch.


It was a hot summer after noon and I was sleeping with my mother. I heard the creaking of the door. I looked at my mother’s face to see whether she heard the noise or not. But she was in deep slumber.

I tip-toed out of bed and went out to check. I saw my brother was trying to sneak out of home. I called him and he looked at me with an alarming face.

Me (accusingly): I will tell mom that you are going out without asking her.

Bro (fuming): Look Mama’s puppet, if you keep your mouth shut, I will take you with me.

Me (thinking over minute): Ok, Done.

Bro: Now come and help me in opening this gate without making noise.

Stealthily we went out of the house and ran towards the park. There was a small group of seven to eight kids aging four to fifteen. The leader of the group was fifteen year old tall girl, who was telling something to all kids. Seeing us, they all smiled.

Tall Girl (declaring): We are going to play a new game, today. Ding Dong Ditch. We will ring doorbell of people’s house and run away. It will be fun.

She divided us all in group of two. As I was the youngest one among all, I was asked to stay behind and just look at what they were doing.

Ting-Tong….Ting-Tong ..Ting –Tong

Suddenly someone came out of the house and all of them started running here and there. I kept hiding behind the bushes not knowing what waited me. My brother was running and calling my name… Nannu run..aunty will see you. But I was got so numb that I didn’t realized anything until the aunty caught me behind the bushes.

She held my hand and took me back to my home. She told my mother that I was playing with big kids and they left me there. I out of fear blurted out everything in front of her.

My brother didn’t came home until evening and when he came, mom’s anger got cooled off.

After this incident, my brother never let me accompany him. He said “I am spoiler of the game”


PS: Tell me your story when you did some mischievous thing and got caught red-handed ?

This my attempt for the fourth day of the A-Z Challenge.

Day 4: D(alphabet)