
I have been nominated for this award by Ushasree who is proud owner of a blog called Creative Crafts – DIY. She shares beautiful blogs regarding recycling the the things coming out of our home. She has the mission of making earth a beautiful and better place. So do join her in her pursuit of happiness 🙂

And yes you made me a better person by asking me the last question 🙂 . It was food for a thought 🙂

My questions with their answer are as follows:

Q1:What does motivate you to start your blog?

A1: My passion for writing J and getting a targeted audience for that 🙂 I am writing since I was 11. But earlier I use to get audience in form of my parents, schoolmates, college mates but as soon as that phase got over I realized I need to know people who actually share my passion. So I am here 🙂

Q2. What are your hobbies? Which one is your best?

A2: I love reading, writing, dancing and cooking (at times 😛 )

And the best one is Reading as it is therapeutic for me 🙂

Q3:Who is your Role model? And why?

A3: I take different things from different people 🙂 I believe that everyone has something to add on in your personality so take that and leave the rest 🙂

But yes there are some people whom I idolize for their certain gifts 🙂

  1. My mom: For her patience, humbleness and gratitude. I haven’t seen a woman like her who doesn’t have any interest in clothing, glamming she is too sweet and grounded person. Hope to imbibe some of her qualities in me 🙂
  2. My Dad: For his perseverance 🙂 He can do anything that means he is not afraid of failure. He learned driving at 50 🙂 and started using internet for his work at 50 🙂 I have seen people giving up at that age 🙂
  3. My Brother: I took up writing from him. Yes I use to read his dairies secretly. I still have them though he has totally forgotten about it. He is my best critic. A word of praise from him means a lot to me 🙂
  4. My Best Friend: She actually taught me how to love people outside your blood relation. She taught me what friendship is and how people go to any length to protect their friends. She was my best teacher. She sobered me a lot 🙂 I owe a lot to her :). She is someone who knows all my secrets 😉
  5. My Husband : To stand up for what you believe in and yes never shying from learning anything you don’t know 🙂 And I am still counting to learn few more good habits of his though I keep telling him that he should learn something from me 😛

Q4. Do you believe in god? If so how much time are you spending in your busy days?

A4: Yes 🙂 I believe in universal energy and power. I totally believe in Law of attraction that is what you give is what you get 🙂 . I have a friendly relation with God 🙂 For me spending time with him means spending time with my inner self 🙂 I do it every day 🙂

Q5. Do you aware of recycling? How do you do with your recycle things at your home? Just dump it / Reuse it?

A5: I am aware of it abit 🙂 I once was member of club who use to give presentation on recycling in my school 🙂 About applying I would say I never throw away my clothes ..the ones in good condition are donated 🙂 I am still learning tidbit of household 😉 recently married so yes I am not that super conscious being who does think of recycling 😛

Here are the rules:
Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
List the Rules and Display the Brotherhood of the world Award logo to your post and/or blog.
* Answer the questions set to you.
Nominate around ten bloggers.(I am bending the rule by nominating only 5 😛 )
Create your set of questions for your nominees.

My Questions:

Q1: Are you romantic person? If yes, how do you express your love for your loved ones?

Q2: Are you a foodie? If yes, what kind of food do you love most?

Q3: Do you apologies for your mistake with your closed ones?

Q4: Are you a good critic or bad critic?

Q5: How do you react to people who shower love on you despite of not being close to you?

My Nominees for this award are :

1 Sri






  1. Lovely answers. Thank you for the nomination Neerja. I would come up with a response soon. By the way I could not help but notice the number of smileys 🙂 in this post of yours. It was refreshing. It infected me too 🙂 in the best possible way 🙂

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  2. Congrats, Neeraja! 🙂 ❤ I'm really proud of getting this award. Rock on, sweety! And thank you so much for nominating me for it too. It's a big honour for me. I'll get back to it as soon as possible 👍💋

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