
My morning writing scenes

Somedays, I glide instead of walking

on others I crawl, to reach the door

the gap between this crawling and gliding

is what there is, to my life, now

always crawling, on low days

always gliding on the high ones

and then there are days 

in middle of two

where I walk aimlessly 

in the streets of wonder and illusion

it’s in these streets I find myself

a person seeking a door

but mostly,

I end up finding windows

windows from where 

an old man’s soul, escapes

escaping, it mingles

with the swaying winds

reaching the locked

timber door

where it waits,

for an eternity

Tik Tok, Tik Tok

by the said door

the door that holds

the answer

to the ever existing 

question of arriving,

then existing, 

and finally escaping

the rabbit’s hole

So I keep knocking

Knock, knock

the latched door

only to know

the escape route of

my Soul.

Above is the link of the poem’s recitation on my YouTube channel.

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